Monday, May 9, 2016

We'll defeat your jealousy with our stars of doom.

Hello everybody!

I hope you are fine? I myself am... very much! I received a message from the ezine which does the competition I participated in recently, and they said that, even though they chose another person's work, they found my poem very thrilling. :) I hope you will, too!! ^__^

Here it goes:
Die Eifersucht der Meere
((The jealousy of the seas))
Man erzählt sich von den Meeren,
Dass sie gerne Menschen wären,
Dass sie ständig danach trachten,
Sie zu fesseln und entmachten.
((People tell a tale about the seas,
Saying they'd like to be humans,
That they are constantly concerned with
Their wish to tie them up and disempower them))

Und ich sage es nicht gerne,
Doch sie fangen gerne Sterne,
Sperren sie in die Laterne,
Und reisen in die Ferne.
((And I do not like to say this now,
But they like to catch the stars,
Imprison them in the lantern,
And travel to the distance.))

Sterne würden gern entkommen,
Doch die Meere reisen weiter,
Werden munter, singen heiter.
Hätt‘ man Sterne nur entnommen!
((Stars would like to flee,
But the seas do travel further,
Perk up, sing joyfully.
If only somebody'd taken the stars away!))

Die Laternen überdauern
Selbst den kalten Jänner
In Räumen der Seemänner
Leuchten sie dahin und trauern.
((The lanterns outlive
Even the cold January
In the rooms of the sea people,
They shine their light and grieve.))

Vielleicht ist es Seemannsgarn,
Was ich hier nun hab‘ geschrieben.
Die Knoten der Geschichte
Werden mehr als Lügen wiegen.
((Maybe it is a cock-and-bull story,
Which I have written down in here.
The knots of the story
Will weigh more than the lies.))
I am looking forward to the next competition! Also, I will most likely participate in this year's NaNoWriMo again! :) And I desperately hope this time I will have a lot more to write... :P I do not know yet what I will write, but... yeah... Let's hope for the best!! :D
Many greetings to y'all!!

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