Friday, January 20, 2012

I n s p i r a t i o n ?

Recently, I bought myself a collection of colo(u)red crayons. I think there were many included in this, and even though I did not have many good ideas as to how to (ab)use them, I will hopefully get to use them tomorrow. Or tonight; if I cannot sleep at all ... :D [I also want to write a few letters and maybe use them to make the pieces of paper more interesting after all. (But in a way that I will be able to write still ...)]

So please look forward to new pictures coming :).

I will not leave you with only promises; I really want to expand my creative ... projects and reach out for my possibilities. Therefore, I am thinking of giving you some advice. I find it was very nicely put in the following videos :
("29 ways to stay creative".)
This has indeed very nice ideas as to what you can do to be more creative. Even though I do consider it creativity when you sit at your computer and create pieces of art/music/writing/etc. on it, but I am aware of the power of ideas you can have when not being on your computer. Sometimes they come randomly. What I think is really important is that you just let ideas come to you, and don*t try to bash yourself because of the quality of your ideas. Just try them out; it always happens to me then that I get better ideas for what I can do, also partly from the things I just wrote down!
("Best motivational video ever for creative people and startups".)
This one is more about an attitude you should keep in mind. I don*t want to go too much into detail, but it is eye-opening for me, and I think ... Well, if you really want to do something, if you have the idea, try it out. There is this option of trying and failing, but you can still stand up and create better ideas out of your options before! :)

I also recommend reading some texts on the following site; it has helped me countless times :
There is a lot of wisdom on this site, and I just love the ideas and attitudes ... And I can still find myself in them. (My favourite recommendation thus far was about how to make decisions. Just write your options down on a piece of paper, cut each option out, fold them together and put them in something like a hat, a box, or whatever; then draw your option. If you feel unhappy about your result, this is not the right decision to make :) ...)

So, yeah, I will wander off now, and most likely get creative. I usually spend that time sleeping, but right now I am not feeling tired at all. A possible YAY for that! I will upload it as soon as possible then.

Sorry that this didn*t include anything "artistic" from me. I just wanted to share this with you and maybe cheer you up. (BTW, I do think everybody is creative in a certain way. It is just a matter of how people look at things ... Creativity also comes from excitement, and excitement comes from love/loving what you do.)

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